
Rules summary

  1. Do not mass grief.
  2. Do not use hacks, exploits or texture packs that give you an unfair advantage.
  3. Do not dupe or spread infomation about dupes.
  4. Do not verbally harass people or bully them.
  5. Do not trap people to make the game unplayable.
  6. Do not use inappropriate or real life names which have committed real-life atrocities or are founded on doing so.
  7. Do not discuss, argue or mention real life events or politics.
  8. Do not roleplay any genocidal or taboo regimes or ideologies, nor refer to them in other ways
  9. Do not doxx, threaten, or commit real life harm to others and dont promote any players that do.

In game rules

1. Griefing

  1. Lavacasting – using lava and water to creat large cobblestone structures is not allowed.
  2. Building majorly irritating builds or excessively and irritatingly extracting resources is not allowed.

2. Build rules

  1. You are not allowed to build high above the ground.
  2. You are not allowed to make Inappropriate buildings

3. War rules

  1. You are not allowed to door spam (placing doors to push).
  2. Skygridding is not allowed. This is any structure in the sky, even if connected to the ground, for the purpose of bombing/pushing players or caps.
  3. You are not allowed to trap players to make the game unplayable.
  4. Log out in an area that is not yours is not allowed.

4. Hacks, Exploits, & Xraying Rules

  1. Any mod or client that automates actions is not allowed.
  2. Any mod or client that gives the player an unfair advantage is not allowed.
  3. Block glitching (attempting to place or use blocks in protected areas and using them in order to access areas you should not be able to) is not allowed.
  4. You are not allowed to use autoclickers, autojumpers, bots, auto scripts, or any other form of modification/external program in order to prevent being kicked for being AFK.
  5. External programs or mods with secondary functions that can be used in order to xray, access extra areas away from your character, access or spy into inaccessible chests, see invisible people, see far away people, or gain any other kind of unfair advantage, are not allowed.
  6. Using any kinds of backdoors, or exposing any kinds of server files, player information, or plugin mechanics using backdoors or backdoor-attained info is not allowed.
  7. Purposefully crashing / overloading the server is forbidden.

Allowed mods

  • Performance improvement:
    • Optifine
    • Sodium
  • Beautification:
    • Shaders
    • Illuminations
    • Distance horison
    • Bobby
    • Sound Physics
    • Iris
  • Quality of life:
    • Minimap (No caves and/or players)
    • Replay mod
    • Custom crosshair

5. Duping, farm & machine rules

  1. Duping items using exploits or admin abuse, or spreading information about a dupe is not allowed.
  2. Knowingly using, hiding or distributing duped items is not allowed.
  3. Autofarms are not allowed. farms must require a non automated interaction from the player with the farm. The following types of farms are not allowed:
    1. Farms that work completely independent of player interaction.
    2. Farms that depend on a constant water flow.
    3. Farms that break crop-blocks above their base (cactus, sugarcane, bamboo, kelp, etc). You must break the base block of these crops as well.
  4. Water drainers, flying machines and unending redstone cycles are not allowed.

6. Verbal Toxicity Rules

  1. Excessively hostile language is not allowed.
  2. Repeated insulting, gloating, or mockery is not allowed.
  3. Repeated or serious unsubstantiated accusations/name calling that other players or groups are fascists, nazis, racists, pedophiles, slave owners, etc. is not allowed.
  4. Griefing, raiding, or destroying GunsWorldMC-affiliated Discords may be considered harassment.
  5. Spamming the in-game chat or discord, or sending unnecessary walls of text is not allowed.
  6. Serious social manipulation using mental health crises is not allowed.

7. Roleplaying Rules

  1. You are not allowed to show explicit inspiration from regimes, ideologies, groups, events, and governments which have committed real-life atrocities or are founded on doing so.
  2. You are not allowed to roleplay as real life regimes, governments, countries, peoples, or religions.
  3. You are not allowed to roleplay institutionalized slavery.