
FactoryWeapons & ArmorClaimingEnchantingShops & Money


There are 3 factorys in the map. They are in France, Chad and Iran. You can use the 3 factories to craft vehicles, weapons and materials. The crafting can take anywhere from 1 up to 10 minuts. You can use the factory by putting the materials in the itemframes and press the start button, you will then see a timer on the right side of the machine. When the crafting is done your crate is droped on the right side off the machine.

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Currently we have 13 Primary and 2 Secondary weapons.

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Claiming of a colony can every evening between X and X. During that time you can break and build on every colony.

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Default enchanting is disabled. You can only enchant your axe, pickaxe and shovel with the enchanted books that you can buy in the shop.

The only enchants in the shops are unbreaking 1-3 and efficiency 1-6.

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There are 2 shops, the buy shop and the sell shop. You can only open the shops in your on country.

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