Currently we have 13 Primary and 2 Secondary weapons.
- 5 Rifles
- 3 Smg’s
- 2 Lmg’s
- 2 Shotguns
- 1 Sniper
- 1 Pistol
- 1 RPG
- Grenade
- Molotov
- Smoke grenade
- C4 (Detonators dont count)
- Rockets
We crafted all the guns from the ground up to have something uniqe. No guns are the same and they all play differently.
Holding limit
You can only hold: 1 Primary weapon, 1 Secondary weapon and 4 Explosives at the same time in your inventory.
Crates with weapons dont count for this holding limit.
In gunsworld the weapons don’t use ammo. Instead of ammo we use durability. You can see the durability of the gun in the actionbar when holding or shooting a gun. In the picture below you see a example of a M4 with 30 bullets left in the clip and 705 of the max 1000 durability.
You can only wear armor off your own country. Armor can not be repaired and can only be bought in the shop or crafted in a Factory. Default minecraft armor is disabled.